To be completed separately by each participant diving with us. We appreciate it may take a few minutes to fill in however you only need to do this once. We'll release your e-learning within 12 hours of completion.
If you've provided this information before you do not need to do it again
Our site is secure and we will only share your information with PADI and if required our insurance
company (DAN) for the purpose of providing our services to you.
Fitness to Dive - All Divers
Have you read the medical questionnaire as detailed on the course page / about section and sought medical approval if you have answered 'yes' to any questions on page 1 AND page 2? ('No' responses do not required approval except for Divemaster)
Click below to open the latest questionnaire:
Diver_Medical_Participant_Questionnaire_10346_EN_English_2022-02-01.pdf (
If you need medical approval we recommend booking a remote consultation with DDRC Healthcare. You can book online: Recreational Diving | DDRC Healthcare
Drysuit Hire and Use Statement - Certified Divers
Please note we do not hire out our dry suit's unless you have a dry suit certification. This applies to all sessions and courses except for: Discover Scuba Diving, Open Water Diver and Dry Suit Diver. If you do not already have this speciality / course from PADI or another recognised WRSTC agency then please enrol on the next Dry Suit course. We do not accept logged dives as proof of competence - this is without exception.
Where you join us for a course and already have your own drysuit you must provide certification or evidence of at least 10 logged cold water dives in a drysuit. If at any point our staff have concerns about your ability to safely use your suit the course will be stopped and remediation offered which will incur an extra charge; in most cases we will require you to enrol in the PADI Drysuit Speciality. No refund will be given for course or session termination due to your lack of competence in this instance.
ReActivate Requirement - Certified Divers
We require all certified divers to have dived within the last 12 months within similar conditions (cold water) unless enrolled on a Drysuit Speciality prior to joining any course or session. Where this is not the case we require you to complete the PADI ReActivate before any course or session is offered. We can include this on the same day or alongside all courses, sessions or guided dives.
Eyesight - All Divers
In most cases you can scuba dive with soft contact lenses however hard lenses are not suitable; if you use glasses or hard contacts we recommend you invest in a prescription mask before joining any session. We can order these for you from TUSA who do a range of masks with interchangeable lenses. These can be self adjusted in the future as your prescription changes. Please speak to us with at least 2 weeks notice; we offer 10% RRP when purchased with a course or experience.
Own Equipment Statement - All Divers
If you plan to use your own equipment at any time when joining us for activities such as courses, guided trips or services please note that it is your responsibility to ensure your equipment is within test and serviced regularly. Dive Arran Ltd and it’s staff will not be held liable for any incident/accident/injury or death resulting from any equipment failure in these circumstances. You may be liable if your equipment puts others in danger including our staff. If in doubt please hire equipment from us for the duration of the activity. We reserve the right to refuse to provide our services if we are not satisfied with the safety of your equipment.